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Online store for fashion wholesale / retail위드셀러(withseller)

With Seller is a mobile store service for fashion wholesale / retail brands.

Only 10 minutes from membership registration to product registration and store opening!

Any Weed seller can easily and conveniently take a product with a smartphone and register it.
Quickly introduce and sell new products to customers.
  • Dong Dae Moon Fashion wholesale brands
  • Namdaemun Accessories wholesale brands
  • Boutique, clothing loss Designer brands
  • Fashion Road Shop Bosses

Minimize cost burden and maximize convenience Customer contact point expanded indefinitely

Sell another store in the online space without any cost with Weed sellers.

Easy and fast product registration and order management based on mobile can be operated without any burden.
You can be of great help in expanding your contact with customers.
  • FREE
    1. Store opening free
    2. Operating free
    (However, in the future, additional functions may be provided for a fee.)
    1. Mobile based
    2. Easy product registration
    3. Prompt order management
    1. B2B/B2C Selective operation
    2. Easy SNS sharing function
    3. Expand customer contact

New smartphone registration and order management Smart mobile store manager

Weed seller app is a dedicated mobile app for fashion wholesale / retail brands and bosses.

In addition to product registration and order confirmation on a smartphone, push notifications to check customer inquiries or new orders in real time,
The multi-login function allows you to manage more than one store at the same time.
위드셀러 모바일 이미지

Immediately after signing up, without asking or asking Create wholesale-only store

The wholesale-only store supports basic B2B store functions as well as B2C transactions through settings.

You can appeal to international customers with English / Chinese / Japanese multilingual conversion and lookbook function.

In addition, a market linking function (pay) is available for stores that want to sell open markets.

  • Multilingual
    (English / Chinese / Japanese)
  • Lookbook function
  • Integrated market management
  • SNSShare
  • B2B
    Overseas Buyer Appeal
  • B2C
    Strengthening sales channels

Collect and store wholesale store products Online fashion cluster construction

Through an online fashion cluster that collects products and implements an edit shop where online wholesale stores can enter.
We plan to promote product introduction and sales such as global B2B connection, affiliate channel sales, and influencer sales.

Clothing wholesaler

Online Wholesale Store

Upload Items

Production support

Original operating store

Shopping Center with Editing Shop

with Edit Shop

  • Sales of overseas buyers
  • Global Open Market Sales
  • Influencer linked sales
  • Global online editing shop sales
  • Domestic online multi-shop sales

From Google Play and App Store Search for Weed sellers

Fashion for wholesale / retail boss
B2B, B2C store service With seller